An introduction to ufos

UFO”s or, unidentified flying objects, are simply that-objects which fly and which are unidentified.
This could mean that anything you see in the air that does not fit into any known paradigm. This does not necessarily mean a flying saucer from another galaxy, or a flying saucer from Earth, it could simply be a satellite passing over that you may not have previously recognized, or a balloon shaped in such a way to render it a UFO.
If we do happen to see a saucer shaped object in the sky, this by definition is not a UFO, as it has been already identified.
Most reports can, and will eventually be identified as known Ariel craft, such as Chinese lanterns, flares, meteors and even planes and helicopters or the ISS (international space station). It is the small number of cases, however, that cannot be explained that make it into the archives of true UFO sightings, and the further back in time you go, before modern flight, the sightings stay relatively consistent and dare I say, Odd!.
Many people believe the UFO phenomena is something for the modern age, but it is of the contrary as we will see.
This consistency has left me wondering exactly who and where they have come from, for I believe it’s too easy to suggest they come from afar, from another planet or indeed galaxy, or even from another dimension which is often suggested. With sightings I have had myself, I could be forgiven for suggesting the interdimensional hypothesis could be at play here.
All of these suggestions may be right, but for now I am suggesting otherwise.
I wonder if the true meaning behind their existence is far more earthbound than we realize.
UFOs in many forms have been seen for thousands of years, from descriptions of aerial phenomena back in the 2nd world war commonly known as ‘Foo Fighters’, to the books of Tutmose 3rd in 1400bc.” to even further back to the Native Americans with their oral tradition of their ancestors from the stars, and further back even still to the dawn of civilization in Sumer, they have always been here in one form or another so it would seem.
But where have they come from if they exist at all?
When one explains that he or she has had a ufo sighting or indeed interaction with strange beings associated with such events, often the term ‘little green men’ arises through ignorance’ returned as somewhat of ridicule.
Of all the descriptions put forth for these beings we have grown to understand, I have never come across the description of ‘little green men’. This description came into being in the 1950’s with popular culture having much to answer for, but how much impact does popular culture actually have on the way we see the world and the alien and ufo phenomena?
We’re certainly a species who is very impressionable, sometimes to our detriment, but a source outside of our everyday life must know what buttons to press and words to say to influence us without us even thinking about it, and this source is often the media.
Before the onset of technology in the form of radio in the late 1800s, and television in the early twentieth century, we were very much governed by newspapers and religion and indeed hearsay, all of which can be greatly misconstrued and misunderstood. Men and women have been sent to their deaths on rumors alone with no solid evidence to the contrary, only gaining a pardon in modern times due to new evidence or outdated beliefs.
The “Foo Fighters” of the Second World War were bright orbs of light the size of small cars, and were seen by many pilots. These balls of light would chase and maneuver alongside both enemy fighter planes and play cat and mouse with them. Only after the war did both sides swap reports of one-another’s encounters, thinking they were either-side’s secret weapons, but this was far from the truth. This was taken seriously with a book written by the name of Black Thursday, 1960, by Martin Caidin, detailing an account of these orbs of light intercepting a bombing raid in the second world war, commonly know as the Schweinfurt raid.
The Vietnam war also saw many sightings of UFOs, and one particular case that was investigated by Raymond Fowler describes an event on one evening in June, 1966, on the NHA Trang military Base in Vietnam.
After watching an outdoors film on a cinema screen many soldiers witnessed the sky lighting up, one witness describes, “It came from the north and was moving from real slow to real fast,” the soldier told Fowler. Pilots on the base estimated the lights were about 25,000 feet high. “Then the panic broke loose, It dropped right towards us and stopped dead still about 300 to 500 feet up. It made this little valley and the mountains around look like it was the middle of the day; it lit up everything. Then it went up, and I mean, up. It went straight up and completely out of sight in about 2-3 seconds. Everybody is still talking about it.”
One has to remember the fact that we didn’t reach the skies in modern times until 1905, with the onset of the Wright’s brother’s inventions, and only then were we only in the skies for short periods of time, only now and again as test flights were executed.
In the twenties we saw commercial flight for the first time, ferrying small amounts of people here and there and at short distances and altitudes. However, when the First World War broke out we began using them for reconnaissance missions for the first time, then in the Second World War we took to the skies in vast numbers, making our presence known only too well to any entities that may have dwelt in the upper atmosphere, and I believe still do.
With this in mind, our UFO sightings would have been only confined to ground observations up until that point. Anything going on beyond the clouds would never have been sighted, for distance would have been too great, until the onset of the first lunar missions.
One would imagine that with all the accounts of ground UFO observations and those of aircraft, that we would need no more proof that we have visitors, or at the very least-unidentified flying objects. If we need more proof then maybe the observations of astronauts would suffice.
In the early 1960’s Major Gordon Cooper, an American astronaut, described a glowing greenish object heading for him and his capsule at high speed, this was also tracked on radar, which suggests that this object was solid. Cooper was quoted as saying “For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public."
Buz Aldrin was probably the most famous astronaut to declare his observations of ufos when in space and indeed on the moon. In an interview he gave he was quoted as saying “There was something out there, close enough to be observed, and what could it be? Now, obviously the three of us weren't going to blurt out, 'Hey, Houston, we've got something moving alongside of us and we don't know what it is, you know?'”
This was his explanation of what was happening alongside them on their way to the moon on the Apollo 11 flight, but what was it?