Through my involvement in the ufo community and my interest in remote viewing, i was invited to run my own group facilitated by a good friend of mine.
What is remote viewing? I presumed it was obvious to the people who travelled from far and wide to attend my group, but I was proved very wrong indeed.
Some people believed it be a drawing group where we'd simply draw pictures conjured up in our minds, which isn't far from the truth. Others believed it to be a psychic group trying to read one-another's minds, not quite.
Remote viewing is the ability to perceive places, objects and people from vast distances with no hint as to what, where and why.
You can see why people were quite confused when they turned up.
We managed to secure a room at the top of a restaurant come bar in the centre of Birmingham where we were left alone to do our thing, but what was our thing.
I'd never run my own group before, so i was in virgin territory. Rachel had done all of the groundwork setting up the facebook page, inviting people along and seeing what occurred. I just had to organise the targets and supply the stationary.
Targets, i hear you ask.
Let me take you back to where it all started for me.
I attended a talk by Tony topping, a well known ufologist a number of years ago. His talk on ufos ended with a short group session on remote viewing, which intrigued me a lot.
A target was placed inside an envelope and kept secret from the group, of which numbered about twenty, and by the use of intuition we would try and surmise what the target was. The target could've been anything, an object, a building, a place. To this day, i cannot remember, but it left me thinking, i'd like to try this myself, so when the time was right, I did.
I adjusted his approach and created my own version. My wife would find three targets for me, a location, an object and something random and print them off at her work and place them inside three A4 envelope's respectively. A number of her choice would be written on each one and that number would be a subconscious link to the picture inside, almost like an ethereal postcode.
The results of what we found as a group will astonish you!
We gathered inside the map room inside cherry reds, a well known bar with windows overlooking many other bars and restaurants, high up and free of the hustle and bustle, not that there was any. The other rooms within the building people drank, chatted and ate food, sometimes playing the odd board game. our room was pretty quiet as we were left to our devices. on occasion people would stumble in thinking it was a nice place to bring their drink, but they soon realised this was a serious group of remote viewers.
I was slightly nervous, but prepared. I didn't know what to expect and i didn't know if anybody would actually turn up. I was pretty surprised when one by one people would gingerly enter, wondering if they were in the right room. I guess we all looked pretty normal which put them at rest.
The proceedings commenced with nine of us ready to put our intuitive brains to good use.
I had no idea as to what was in the envelope, it could've been anything to embarrass me for a misdemeanour from months past, i just didn't have a clue.
the first words out of my mouth, 'welcome to the remote viewing group, glad you could all make it. What do you all know of remote viewing?'
Slowly people pipped up and explained their ideas on the topic, mostly people got the idea that in a nutshell we were to use our intuitive brain to determine what was in the first envelope. On the surface it sounded very simple and easy, however, the CIA used this very technique in the sixties to spy on enemy bases in foreign countries, so it was seen as a valuable tool in espionage and information recognisance. It's also been used by the police to recover bodies, or kidnapped individuals, although this isn't what you'd see on the bill or the Sweeney.
I explained that it's very much like beginners luck, in as much as you're not thinking, you're sensing. It's like freefalling out of an aeroplane not knowing where you're going to land and only using instincts to determine the outcome. The opposite of which would be to use a parachute, something to guide you as you think about pulling chords, manoeuvring the lines to land safely, you use a different part of your brain in both circumstances.
Think of it as if you've never been to the casino before, the dealer spins the wheel, you chose black 32, the ball lands on black, 32, you don't know why you picked that number, it was intuitive, you feel excited, then you start to think.
Thinking is where it goes downhill, when one begins to think after a first win, one begins try and get one step ahead, pre-empt the outcome, choosing through decision making, then the colour and number is wrong, again and again, you feel frustrated so begin to pick any random number and it's disastrous.
My job was and is to teach people to use that part of the brain which is intuitive, non thinking, abstract and free from decision making. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Some people try and use clairvoyance to determine the target, others will let images absorb into their minds and go with them, allowing them to create a picture in ones mind.
The group was well balanced with male and female, young and not as young. I handed out a blank piece of white A4 paper and a pen, I placed the first envelope on the table with a number on the front and explained this was the target number. The more i tried to explain it the more it didn't make sense, remember this was first group. The target number on the front of the envelope was what i wanted the participants to focus on, to meditate upon to gain access into the target within the envelope without being told what it was, i didn't even know what the target was.
I set the mood by allowing Rachel to give a short guided meditation to free the mind from the day's business, the room was silent. A few minutes went by and we relaxed, so we began the first session.